2020 Fair Information – Preparing for the 2020 Event!

The 2020 State Science and Engineering Fair (SSEF) of Florida will be held March 24th—26th at The RP Funding Center in Lakeland, Florida. This year’s Fair will exhibit 875+ projects with over 950 Finalists in Junior (grades 6-8) and
Senior Sections (grades 9-12).



Only Regional Fair Directors, or their Official Designee, are permitted to register all the Finalists for their Region. Registration Packets will be available at The RP Funding Center. Registration Packets contain materials for students to set up their projects, name tags, certificates, schedules, and maps.



Any student not traveling with his/her Region’s Delegation must make arrangements to meet the Regional Fair Director to pick up registration materials. No packets will be opened to remove individual materials for those who are not with their Region Delegation. Students will NOT be allowed to set up their projects until the Region has registered.


See all information HERE

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