2019 Fair Information – Preparing for the 2019 Event!

WELCOME! Inside this issue: The 2019 State Science and Engineering Fair (SSEF) of Florida will be held March 26th—28th at The RP Funding Center in Lakeland, Florida. This year’s Fair will exhibit 820+ projects with over 875 Finalists in Junior (grades 6-8) and Senior Sections (grades 9-12).


ARRIVAL/REGISTRATION Only Regional Fair Directors, or their Official Designee, are permitted to register all the Finalists for their Region. Registration Packets will be available at The RP Funding Center. Registration Packets contain materials for students to set up their projects, name tags, certificates, schedules, and maps.


ATTENTION PARENTS: Any student not traveling with his/her Region’s Delegation must make arrangements to meet the Regional Fair Director to pick up registration materials. No packets will be opened to remove individual materials for those who are not with their Region Delegation. Students will NOT be allowed to set up their projects until the Region has registered. PARKING There will be no charge for parking at the RP Funding Center on Tuesday or Wednesday. There will be a charge of $10.00 for the Grand Awards Ceremony guests (and $20.00 for buses that park).


SCIENTIFIC REVIEW PROCESS More than 100 members of the Scientific Review Committee (SRC) met March 8th to review and certify the entry materials for the 2019 SSEF. ALL students must have their original protocol papers and log books in their possession for SRC and/or Project Set Up. The Fair Director will receive a packet which contains the P r o j e c t Certification Cards and the Certified Abstracts for each student who has been approved to display his/her project. The certified abstract must be displayed on the left side of the display either on the display board (leave a space) or in a frame that does not have glass. The Project Certification Card must be left on the display for Display & Safety approval. Students NOT receiving these items will have to go to SRC with their Fair Director (Hollingsworth A & B). Students who need to provide additional documentation for their research were notified by the Regional Director. Students with needed corrections will proceed directly to the SRC Staging Room (Hollingsworth A & B) upon arrival. Do not send any paperwork to the FFFS Office. Once students have corrected the discrepancies they will be allowed to set up their project.


See all information HERE

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